Tuesday, September 25, 2012

IB Dying

Now being a junior is tough as it is, but being an IB candidate is basically handing your heart out on a silver plate to a group of IB examiners. Going into junior year with a negative mindset, believe it or not, helped prepare me a ton. Expecting the worse out of anything has made unlikely surprises a common feat in my daily life. Nearly a month into this school year, I've already encountered multiple of these lovely surprises in the form of A's (IB Chem Test & IB HL Math Project HOLLA)! However, these surprises came with a few inconsequential sacrifices--my sanity and my sleep. To better understand the workload and difficulty that I go through here's a look at my classes: IB Chinese 4, IB SL Chemistry, Accelerated US History, IB HL Stagecraft, IB HL American Literature, IB HL Precalculus.
Those who are trying to get through junior year, I'm in the same boat with you. Allow yourself one day of the week to do what you want without the worries of school. Try to keep it sane and calm. (I'm going to eat these words later...) Now freshmen and sophomores! Honestly, live it up. Get your work done, but don't stress. This is the time to live and enjoy your high school years so take advantage of these beautiful, stress-free years. Seniors, good luck with college apps, nuff said. 
Being a student is hard so don't let anyone undermine your job and the work you do.

Let's Get Back to Normal

Looking back at my feeble attempt to start a fashion blog, I couldn't help but ask myself,  "Why?". This short lived dream of a fashion blog lacked any sense of intimacy, and to be frank, it just was a big ball of suck. Granted, I only had two or three posts, it still didn't represent the person I was/am. In this newly revived blog, I won't be focusing much on the shallow trends that concealed large parts of my life, but I'll be entering these online diaries to capture these days as a student, friend, and innovator. I hope you enjoy.